An ordinance amending the Barren County budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 to include realized receipts in excess of the budgeted amounts from Barren County Conservation District; Department of Local Government; Kentucky Division of Solid Waste; Kentucky Transportation Cabinet; Monsanto/America’s Farmer Grow Pass-Through Grant funds; Concession Sales; Donations; Forfeitures; Interfund Transfers; Recoupment; Refunds and Reimbursements; and Miscellaneous Receipts in the total amount of $850,712.89 and increasing expenditures in the General Fund by $202,569.28, the Road Department Fund by $607,836.00; the Jail Fund by $35,000.00, the Recreation Department Fund by $2,500.00, the Drug Forfeiture Fund by $2,707.61, and the Hiseville Cemetery Fund by $100.00 was adopted, under the emergency statute, by the Barren County Fiscal Court on March 15, 2016. A copy of the proposed ordinance with full text is available for public inspection at the office of the County Judge/Executive, Barren County Government Center, 117 North Public Square, Glasgow, KY, during normal business hours.
Micheal Hale Barren County Judge/Executive
Ordinance Number 572 Budget Amendment 6 (as amended)