An ordinance amending the Barren County budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 to include realized receipts in excess of the budgeted amounts from Governor’s Office for Local Development; Kentucky Office of Homeland Security; Kentucky Department of Library and Archives; Department of Criminal Justice and Training; grave sales; interfund transfers; interest; miscellaneous receipts, reimbursements, refunds and restitutions; and surplus from prior year in the total amount of $1,541,418.39 and increasing expenditures in the General Fund by $116,332.35, the Road Fund by $1,231,385.00, the Jail Fund by $30,013.05; and the Recreation Department Fund by $936.00, the Drug Forfeiture Fund by $7,366.63, the Hiseville Cem- etery Fund by $155,384.36, and the Public Properties Fund by $1.00
was adopted by the
Barren County Fiscal Court
on September 20, 2016. A copy of the proposed ordinance with full text is available for public inspection at the office of the County Judge/Executive, Barren County Government Center, 117 North Public Square, Glasgow, KY, during normal business hours.
Micheal Hale
Barren County Judge/Executive
Ordinance Number 583
First Reading: August 16, 2016